Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

  • HYCON2 (http://www.hycon2.eu/ ) The FP7 NoE HYCON2, started in September 2010, is a four-year project coordinated by the CNRS (Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue). It aims at stimulating and establishing a long-term integration in the strategic field of control of complex, large-scale, and networked dynamical systems. It focuses in particular on the domains of ground and aerospace transportation, electrical power networks, process industries, and biological and medical systems. Our PhD students are regularly supported for their participation to the EECI training.

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7 & H2020

  • SYSIASS (http://www.sysiass.eu/ ) Here is the major issue on which the project SYSIASS seeks to answer by developing new technologies and putting them in the service of patients and health professionals from our regions. Indeed preserve the autonomy of the elderly and disabled people is a major issue in today’s society. In Europe, with the progressive ageing of the population policy to support the elderly is increasingly based on the assumption that care must be provided efficiently to the patient where he is based. In addition, special attention is devoted to people with disabilities for their better integration into society. Advances in technology proposed by SYSIASS (SYStème Intelligent et Autonome d’aide aux Soins de Santé / Autonomous and Intelligent Healthcare System) will be realized in practice through an intelligent wheelchair that can provide better mobility to the patient and to allow health care professionals to easily transport patients to desired locations within a clinic or home environment. Moreover such a system must be able to communicate with the outside world, to adapt to specific patient needs and any special disability that he may have, and to facilitate access to medical data for health professionals. Our PhD students are regularly supported for participation in the accociated EECI traning.

  • ICityForAll: EU Ambiant Assisted Living Program (http://www.icityforall.eu/ ) The project is leaded by CEA and it includes University of Paris Descartes-UPD, CENTICH, Active Audio (SME, France), Tech. Univ of Munich - TUM (Germany), EPFL (Suisse), ENEA (Italy), Centro Ricerche FIAT-CRF (Italy). The goal of I’City for All (Age sensitive ICT systems for Intelligible City for All) is to enhance speech and audio alarms intelligibility in order to improve the sense of well-being of seniors through better social interactions, better security and then improved mobility. Mamadou Mboup is involved as a subcontractor of UPD.